Too busy praising the non-virtue of “tolerance,” decrying American “racism,” and writing puff pieces like this one. In the meantime, the New York Daily News is eating their lunch:

Years before his latest real-estate project ignited an uproar, Sharif El-Gamal racked up at least seven run-ins with the law, including a bust for patronizing a prostitute.

“I regret many things that I did in my youth. I have not always led a perfect life,” El-Gamal, 37, said in a statement to the Daily News.

His most recent arrest was for a Sept. 10, 2005, assault on a barber who sublet a Manhattan apartment from El-Gamal’s brother, Sammy.

The brothers and another man went to the apartment that afternoon to retrieve back rent from Mark Vassiliev, criminal and civil court records show.

El-Gamal allegedly cursed at Vassiliev, called him the Arabic curse word “sharmouta” and punched him in the face, breaking his nose and cheekbones.

When he was arrested, El-Gamal denied he socked Vassiliev, but conceded, “[Vassiliev’s] face could have run into my hand,” court papers say.

Fox News piled on:

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And by the way…

Aren’t you sick of the word “Islamophobia?” What Americans are objecting to is not a religion but a theocratic way of life that has been proving itself hostile to western values since the seventh century. There can be no lasting, peaceful coexistence between Islam and the West, only submission.

And it’s about time somebody said so.