Last weekend, I had the privilege of attending the “Restoring Honor” rally in Washington, D.C. While I’m proud to be an American each and every day, I was especially proud on that day. The feeling I had being amongst so many people that love and appreciate the blessings of liberty was at times overwhelming. The purpose of the event was simple. We wanted to express our love for our nation and dedicate ourselves to practicing the values that has made it so strong. Unfortunately, this simple lesson appears to be impossible for liberals and the media to comprehend.

The media coverage and the liberal spin stopped short of calling the event a Ku Klux Klan rally, attended by racist tea partiers whose sole purpose is to suppress minorities, destroy the environment and worship big business. To no surprise, all the media coverage reflected this tired narrative. As usual with the media, they got it all wrong.

There’s no denying that the majority of the attendees were white — but then, so is the majority of America. Blacks were free to attend and many of us did but for some reason the media chose not to show us. There is no surprise that the liberals once again have terribly flawed logic. Consider this. I went to a predominantly black college. Whites are free to go to school there. Despite being heavily recruited in many cases, many still choose to get their educations elsewhere. Many black colleges offer scholarships specifically for white students. Does this make black colleges racist for not having more white students? The point is that the lack of attendance isn’t the same as exclusion.

Instead of accurately reporting that close to a million people attended the rally, they choose to say “tens of thousands.” They chose to make this about race and politics when the goal was clearly to restore God’s place in our daily lives, not in our government. Conservatives are people guided by principles that are often rooted in the Bible. This doesn’t mean that we’re perfect, it means that we have a moral standard to measure ourselves. A standard that we all fall short of but a standard nonetheless. Liberals don’t understand this because their standards are based in the situation, the intent, the beliefs of the offender and arbitrary fairness (which is always subjective.)


In addition to ignoring the content of the rally, the MSM chose to (in many cases) give more coverage to Al Sharpton’s counter-rally to give it the appearance of equal attendance. The goal of Sharpton’s rally was to “reclaim Dr. King’s legacy” because he believes Glenn Beck has stolen it. This is possibly the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. I’m going to start wearing a Michael Jordan jersey every day until I steal his legacy.

In reality, Sharpton’s rally was nonexistent except in the media. However, his attempt at maintaining relevance provided some valuable insight in addition to a few laughs. Sharpton and his liberal allies provide a great contrast with the conservatives at the “Restoring Honor” rally.

The conservatives prayed and asked God to bless our country and thank him for his blessings. On the other hand, the liberals chose to stir up racial hostility and drive further divisions among the nation. They came to fight while the conservatives came to pray. Conservatives believe that the Lincoln Memorial is sacred ground. That’s why everyone cleaned up behind themselves and by the time everyone left, you would have never known that nearly a million people had been there. On the other hand, after Obama’s inauguration, Washington D.C. was trashed and it took days and thousands of man-hours to clean it up. One liberal posted on a lefty blog that the folks who attended the rally yesterday cleaned up on purpose to keep Park employees from being able to earn a living cleaning up that Park!! You can’t make up that kind of ignorance.

God bless Glenn Beck for making the sacrifices necessary to pull this event together. He was truly amazing and I’m glad to have been there. His vision has strengthened my personal resolve to always thank God for his blessings, to improve my life and the lives of those around me. In the near future, I don’t expect liberals to abandon their tired narratives or judge themselves by the same standards they judge conservatives. Therefore I will continue to follow the direction given to me by God and ignore their predictable criticisms because Jesus Christ was treated far worse than anything I’ll encounter. So if the Savior of the world was treated so harshly, how can I expect any different?