It’s no secret that the Washington Post is known for its liberal bias. If you didn’t already know that, you might also be interested in learning that the earth is indeed round.

But I came across a recent Post article that piqued my interest, given my recent coverage of the apparent media bias against the SAT. The Post allowed the infamous FairTest, which I’ve written extensively about on Big Journalism, to write a guest post claiming that the ACT has “caught up” to the SAT.

So, did this mean that the Post shared in the anti-SAT bias I’ve been noticing in the media? Possibly. I left a comment on that article letting readers know exactly who FairTest is and what they’re all about.

A follow-up post on Wednesday, however, left no doubt in my mind that the Post, as well as their education blogger Valerie Strauss, are definitely in the tank against the SAT.

The new post, titled, “College Board vs. FairTest” allowed the College Board to defend the SAT against the attacks put forth by FairTest in the original post. Fair enough, right?

Wrong, because in that same post, they allowed FairTest to once again attack the College Board and the SAT and gave them the final word. They could have had the decency to at least let the College Board’s words sit for a bit before publishing another attack.

The Post not only published the erroneous propaganda of a political organization that seeks to destroy education standards, but they give this same radical political organization another chance to beat up on the SAT when all the College Board ever asked for was equal time.

This is perhaps the most egregious example of bias seen so far when it comes to standardized testing. It’s time the Post and Valerie Strauss stop pretending to be objective and just admit their biases so readers don’t confuse them with responsible journalism. Just like their political allies at FairTest, they ply their trade through deception and abuse of their positions to advance a left-wing agenda that seeks to dumb-down educational standards in pursuit of their goals.

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