As noted earlier from Big Journalism’s Ben Evans, AlterNet blogger Chris Hedges used a video still of a tea party crasher to prop up his narrative of fascism within the tea party.

The video still originated from a video shot by Adam Sharp, a well-known citizen journalist and videographer, during a spring tea party rally against the health control legislation pending in congress. Days earlier a school teacher created a tea party crasher website encouraging leftists to falsely represent themselves (or maybe not falsely) as racists, Nazis, et al. and infiltrate tea party events to get in media and make the tea party look bad. The stunt failed and the instigators were quickly identified at rallies across the country and driven out of the events.


Hedges uses a false image from one of the crashers to support his progressive narrative of tea party stereotype. He needs to correct this presentation and disclose that the individual in the video has been widely-known for some time to be a crasher.