Poor politically correct leftists in the activist old media.

They are now stumbling and bumbling all over themselves when they use words that they feel Americans do not want used in a political context. This is about as silly as it gets.

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A guest on CNN used the term “crosshairs” to describe the Chicago mayoral race and John King fell all over himself trying to apologize for his friend Andy Shaw.

CNN’s John King: “Before we go to break, I want to make a quick point. We were having a discussion about the Chicago mayoral race. My friend Andy Shaw used the term ‘in the crosshairs’ in talking about the candidates. We’re trying; we’re trying to get away from that language. Andy is a good friend, he’s covered politics for a long time, but we’re trying to get away from that kind of language.”

Good thing King and Shaw are friends, imagine the CNN response had somebody like Michelle Bachman or Sarah Palin used the phrase “crosshairs.” I also wonder what William F. Buckley, who was the original host of “Crossfire” on CNN, would think of this silliness.

But, let’s look at the big picture here and stop drinking the media Kool-Aid. Whoops—Kool-Aid, you may think it is just a fun drink for kids, but in this context “drinking the Kool-Aid” refers to the time a wacked out leftist named Jim Jones actually killed a Democrat US Congressman, Leo Ryan and about 900 others. Jones talked them into leaving San Francisco and going to Guyana where they committed mass suicide by drinking Kool-Aid. Put the fun little drink with the smiley faced pitcher on the top of the forbidden list.

Instead of George Carlin’s 7 deadly words—uh, oh—forbidden words, we now have much of the dictionary that cannot be used.

This is absolutely silly, especially since political rhetoric had nothing to do with the tragedy in Tucson, but since the media made that their template, they feel they need to keep it up to the point that they are looking foolish. By the way, they won’t keep this up for long, but watching their inane mental gymnastics is mildly entertaining.

Americans do not expect the media and analysts on TV to strain and use silly words to describe the battles that are politics. They would much prefer the media just tell the truth and not place blame on people who had nothing to do with wacked out Jared Loughner. This faux message of civility is coming from the most un-civil bunch out there and we know you won’t keep this charade up.

It feels like I’m going through 3rd grade all over again. Mrs. Jacobs class. “Kids, stop pointing fingers and blaming others, you’re better than that.” Much of what the President said last week I long ago learned on the playground or from my parents at home.

You could argue that there are more nefarious plans by the media and that’s to apply this new standard un-equally and create situations where conservatives come on these shows and spend half their time defending using the phrase, “beat my opponent.”

“No, sorry John, I didn’t mean that I really want to beat my opponent, I would just like to win the election,” says the angry neo-con. The host who is always in total control counters with, “We have photos of you walking with a stick and now you talk about beating your opponent, aren’t we better than that as a nation?”

“I have a bad leg from Vietnam,” counters the crazed conservative.

Don’t laugh. We are there already.

There is much to learn from this horrible tragedy and nobody defends vicious political attacks, but we can also learn much from Gabrielle Gifford’s last official act on the floor of the House. She read the First amendment.