UPDATE 2/15 1:32 PM PST: The post has been stealth-corrected.


UPDATE 11:16 PM PST: Remarkably, this post is still not corrected.


Earlier today, Philadelphia magazine published an article by Natalie Hope McDonald titled “Coulter Wants to Woo the Gays” in their “Best of the Gayborhood” section. The article included the following passage:

Andrew Breitbart, however, seems to side with Coulter. As a member of GOProud’s advisory council, Breitbart attended the conference as an openly gay conservative. “The truth is that it is liberals in America who are bent on dividing people, on forcing people into ideological boxes based merely on their race, religion, sex or sexual orientation,” said Breitbart in a press statement. “I applaud GOProud’s strong, principled conservatism and admire their courage to defy the left’s stifling demand for group conformity.”

The article is largely a fair assessment of the circumstances surrounding GOProud’s involvement in CPAC, but it’s inaccurate to say that Andrew Breitbart is “gay,” much less “openly gay.” While there certainly wouldn’t be anything wrong with that if he were gay, Mr. Breitbart has a wife and four children.

We kindly request they correct the record.