Lions, and Tigers and Bears! RNC scares the Make-Believe Media. Oh, My!

The AP characterizes the newest RNC campaign ad as a “dark” GOP “attack” that has a “wide-eyed girl … fearfully watching a TV” show that “portrays Obama as a dupe of China that has mastered the United States by 2017,” the end of his second term in office. CNN calls the ad a “future doomsday scenario.” WaPo labels it a “foreboding” portrayal of “Obama as a tool of Chinese masters.” Even fair and balanced Fox News calls the ad “ominous.” Yikes!


So far, the RNC has rolled out four “Change Direction” ads, each presenting serious and straightforward predictions of bad times ahead if Obama is relected in 2012.

I say it’s truth in advertising, but I guess there’s just too much gravitas in the spots for the lefties. Mustn’t scare the “bed-wetters” in the media! (h/t Michael Walsh) So, to help out the RNC lighten the tone, I suggest an ad ridiculing Obama’s record of accomplishments. With some professional polish, this might do the trick:


The Left’s own Saul Alinksy said: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” Hey, GOP, it’s time to have some fun and take a page out of Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals.

And May the Farce be with You.