The level of cruelty with which the leftist media attacks conservative women never seems to hit bottom. Again and again, we’re told by leftists that the sexual revolution liberated women to be women. Burn your bras! Sleep around! What they forgot to tell women, though, was that there would be a price for straying off the Liberal Plantation and daring to think for yourself. For if you do, Missy, we will use the power of our platform and words to publicly and sexually humiliate you.

Case in point, Fishbowl DC’s Peter Ogburn, who rips into the Daily Caller’s Michelle Fields for the unpardonable sin of being an attractive young woman who dresses like one.

To understand how vicious and sexist Ogburn’s attack is, first I want you to read what he wrote, and then below the fold, you can watch the “Skinemax” video he references:

ALL of the videos with the women feature shots above the waist. Some even go out of their way to show off cleavage. Because when I think Keynesian economics, I think Titty City. Pretty weird, I know.

What’s weirder? The latest video is hosted by Michelle Fields, from the Daily Caller. It’s no secret that Michelle knows that she is gorgeous and has great hair, but this is super weird. The camera work seems to be largely inspired by the early works of the Al Qaeda hostage tapes. A nervous and awkward Fields, who clearly has NO IDEA what she is talking about, rattles on about “How the New Deal Was a Failure.” We get it, Michelle. You think you’re hot. But, if you want to be taken seriously, maybe just be good at reporting and stop showing off your legs and cleavage. Do you remember that time Diane Sawyer showed off a bunch of cleavage while reading the news? No? Because it didn’t happen! See Michelle’s low budget Skinemax video below.

Here it comes.

Hide the kids!




Is that even cleavage? I’m no connoisseur, but that looks more like a shadow to me.

Regardless, there’s absolutely nothing wrong or improper or unprofessional about what she’s wearing. There’s nothing wrong with an attractive woman looking attractive.

Ogburn’s nastiness, however, didn’t stop there, and in the end he reveals more about himself than Ms. Fields: [emphasis added]

It’s no secret that Michelle knows that she is gorgeous and has great hair, but this is super weird. The camera work seems to be largely inspired by the early works of the Al Qaeda hostage tapes.

If you want to be taken seriously, maybe just be good at reporting and stop showing off your legs and cleavage.

In short, what Peter Ogburn is claiming here is that Fields is dumb and were it not for her good looks she wouldn’t be where she is. Now, I’m not going to attempt to make the case that if Fields looked like, say, Peter Ogburn, she’d be where she is today. In our media world, looks matter. However, I can tell you for a fact that there are literally thousands of beautiful women out there who would kill for a job like the one Fields presently holds, but they will never get as far as she has because they don’t have the smarts or the skills. In media, or even Hollywood for that matter, the competition between between beautiful people for a few choice slots is crowded and fierce.

Fields is where she is because she’s good at what she does.

There’s something about attractive women that brings out an ugly misogyny in some men. If they can’t have them they feel the need to still control them by denigrating them. In the society in which we live, liberal misogynists have the authorization to act out their anger publicly because conservative women are considered apostates by our political and media class and are, therefore, fair game.

In other words: She had it coming.

We see this time and again in the openly sexist attacks launched against Ann Coulter, Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin, Michelle Malkin and so many others. Do you think Media Matters’ Senior Fellow Eric Boehlert would be so obsessed with Dana Loesch if she looked like … Eric Boehlert?

Unfortunately, Ogburn’s behavior, which should’ve resulted in Ogburn receiving a punch in the face, is not only allowed, it’s a resume enhancer.

Chivalry used to be a virtue.