This is what we see time and  again at the hands of the same Left that manufactured a month’s long non-troversy over a word Rush Limbaugh spoke. While, on one hand, the left and their media allies feign outrage over Limbaugh, on the other hand, they either willfully ignore or launch vile, sexist attacks against conservative women that go well beyond anything that can in any way be called satire or humor.

Wisconsin Lt. Governor Rebecca Kleefisch is a wife, mother, and a cancer survivor. She’s currently being targeted for recall and by some of the ugliest personal attacks you’ll hear — at least until the left launches the next one.

Listen here to John “Sly” Sylvester, a left-wing radio host who operates out of Madison, WI, at radio station WTDY. Sylvester accuses Kleefisch of performing sexual acts on numerous men, mocks her cancer, and attacks her children.

Here are the lowlights:

“I’m Rebecca Kleefisch. I perform fellatio on all the talk show hosts in Milwaukee. … I got colon cancer and I ran around the state [garbled] people.”

“I had heard at one point that Rebecca Kleefisch pulled a train (having sex with several men one after another) but that must’ve been a different story I was reading about.”

“Let me tell you something about these Barbies the Republicans trot out the Rebecca Kleefisch’s…”

“I hope your husband is sleeping with your best friend.”

Unbelievably, it gets worse. Here’s the mocking of the Lt. Governor’s children:

“I love it that your kids have actually have to hear about what evil things you’re doing. I hope they have to hear it every day. And I hope they come home right to you. And just because you’re good looking — and she is — and just ‘cuz you’re cutes and I’m sure you got a precocious little daughter you put in little Jon Benet contests, and I’m sure you have a little jock son, and they come home and say ‘Mommy, they’re saying you’re a witch.’ You are a witch!”

The attack on the Kleefisch’s children is quite intentional. We’ve seen the media do the same to Sarah Palin. The idea is to gut-punch the target, to attempt to make the price of staying in the public arena awful and toxic. The left’s hope, obviously, is that the target will shrivel up and go away. Well, this evil tactic didn’t work on Palin and I doubt it will on Kleefisch.

But where is the media on this?

AWOL, naturally, because Rebecca Kleefisch is an apostate — a self-made Republican woman who became the Lt. Governor of a swing state Barack Obama desperately needs to fall his way if he’s to have four more years to be more, uhm, flexible.

The fact that this is a local matter is no excuse for the mainstream media covering it up, either. For over a year now, the state of Wisconsin has seen plenty of national media attention surrounding every twist and turn of these recall elections.

But local media appears to be ignoring the story as well.

A good faith search of Wisconsin’s largest  news outlet, the Journal Sentinel, reveals no mention of Sylvester’s attacks. Laughably, the Journal Sentinel does mention Governor Sarah Palin’s recent Facebook post in support of Kleefisch and does accuse Kleefisch of engaging in “attacks” and “gender politics,” but even in the face of the recent controversy surrounding Rush Limbaugh, nothing about a left-wing radio host’s sexist taunts or attacks on her children.

Regardless, even if I missed a mention in the Journal Sentinel, we all know this story would be a national one if Kleefisch “knew her place” and was  Democrat, and it would most certainly be a hotter than hot local scandal being driven by the same Journal Sentinel.

What’s going on here isn’t bias, it’s a full-blown cover up.