Fox News President Roger Ailes has just released a statement in response to’s exclusive interview with Governor Sarah Palin.

At the close of the interview, the Governor was asked about Ailes’ recent remarks that she “had no chance to be President”:

BNN: Governor, many people were disappointed that you decided not to run for president this year, but are still hoping that you might one day run for the White House in the future. Roger Ailes was recently quoted as saying, “Sarah Palin had no chance to be President.” What do you make of that?

Palin’s reponse was characteristically to the point:

Interesting. I haven’t heard all of his remarks, but I wonder if he is aware that the same thing was said about me when I ran for city council, mayor, and eventually governor. No doubt many people who are told they can’t do something will work that much harder, and they succeed. Maybe you guys should send him a copy of Steve Bannon’s “The Undefeated.” The theme of Steve’s film isn’t about me, but about the idea of not letting others dictate one’s path in life and never giving up when you’re fighting for something precious like our exceptional nation and our children’s futures. So, would you send a copy of “The Undefeated” to him?

That was from this morning. Earlier this afternoon, Ailes released the following statement: 

When I hired most of the Republican contributors, none of them had any immediate prospects of becoming President –I wasn’t referring to any of their long-term prospects, including Governor Palin. I hired all of them because they made for good television at the time. Sarah Palin is young and nobody can predict the future.

You can read the full interview with Governor Palin here.

Her Fox News Special (with Eric Bolling) “Paying at the Pump,” airs tonight on FNC at 10pm ET. The program will re-air on Saturday and Sunday.