When you watch CNN and MSNBC all day as I do, but while doing so also work and live in the real world, you get a sense of the disconnect between media reality and what you might call reality-reality. For instance, polling. Right now Romney is ahead according two of the most respected pollsters out there — Gallup and Rasmussen.  And yet, a cooked NBC News poll is driving The Narrative that Romney’s in trouble and Obama’s somehow winning despite…

Despite what?

It seems that the only time the media mentions our battered economy is when they say, “Despite a struggling economic recovery Obama remains ahead in our latest XYZ poll.”

Note how the media likes to use the word “recovery” — because saying “the recovery is struggling” sounds better than “the economy is struggling.”

And the recovery isn’t struggling. The recovery is out of breath, dazed, and has taken a knee.

Here are some recent stories the media’s all but covering up as they focus for week four on Bain, Romney’s taxes, and now gun control:

We’ve just had the biggest durable orders drop since January.

Job creation has been below 100,00 for three straight months now — which means we’re not even keeping up with population growth.

They keep telling us the housing market has finally bottomed out, but in June housing sales dropped 8.4%.

Business owners have lost faith in Obama, which is not a good sign when it comes to the optimism required to hire.

Voting enthusiasm among Democrats has not only dived since 2008; it’s 12% below that of Republicans. And yet, the media continues to float the myth that it’s Republicans who are divided and unhappy with their nominee.

And here’s ten more…

As I write this, NBC’s Chuck Todd is opening his show with a roundtable segment about “Romney: The Hidden Man” — which of course is designed to further the Obama campaign’s narrative about how shady and secretive Romney is. Nothing about the economy. Nothing about Democrat enthusiasm. Nothing about reality-reality.

As I write this, CNN’s insufferable Carol Costello is opening her show with the “Anglo-Saxon” controversy surrounding unsourced comments Team Romney has flatly denied came from its campaign. Nothing about the economy. Nothing about Democrat enthusiasm. Nothing about reality-reality.

As I write this, the execrable Politico– well, you can imagine.  

The media keeps asking how Obama’s poll numbers have been able to defy gravity despite the “struggling recovery.”

Well, this is how.

And it’s all a conspiracy — no, really, an actual, bona fide, 100% conspiracy among Obama’s Media Palace Guards to keep the focus on disqualifying Romney as an acceptable alternative to a woefully failed and inept president.

Imagine what the polls would look like without Drudge, New Media, talk radio, and Fox News? Imagine just how overwhelming the corrupt media’s propaganda would be without the voice of truth and the opposition out there.

I can tell you what would happen: media reality would become reality-reality.



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