Since Obama took office, 740,000 women have been forced from the job pool due to poor economic policies — but totes like omg papaya. Mitt Romney today gave an interview to a Spanish language network in Florida and the subject of fruit was broached. 

From Univision News:

… the host told the GOP candidate, “They’re waiting for you with a mamey and a guayaba — Cuban fruits — here in Miami, do you like those?” 

“I am a big fan of mango, papaya, and guava,” Romney said.The hosts chuckled and added, “There are mangos there too.” 

We’re not sure if the host and translator laughed with Romney in his moment of candor, at the fact that he added mango and papaya to the list, or that the latter is Cuban slang for “vagina.” 

But either way, it was a lighthearted moment for the candidate. We enjoyed it. And we’ll also give Romney pass on the “papaya” thing; after all he doesn’t speak Spanish.

It could have been worse:

Surprisingly, the “Romney hates Hispanics” attack was bypassed in favor of pulling the chick card. Feminists used it as basis for a fresh attack on the GOP, claiming that people should stay out of their bedrooms while paying for what goes on inside of it. 

I’m hopeful that what Romney actually mean was “vagina,” and that this non-gaffe means Mitt Romney is going to stop campaigning on a promise to make it more expensive for women to access health care.

No one is denying you “access” to care when you refuse the responsibility of buying your own birth control by using your own two legs to walk to a Target, Walmart, or other store. I’m not being a denied a sandwich simply because you won’t get in the kitchen to make me one. Considering that most insurance already covers birth control for health reasons, there exists no argument. Take care of your own papaya.