The media and Democrat spin machine are looking for everything they can to attempt to tarnish Republican Vice Presidential nominee Rep Paul Ryan. One part of that campaign is the claim that Ryan’s strong pro-life views may hurt Romney’s chances in the Fall.

 The Hill  speculates how Ryan may hurt Romney on the issue. The article relies on a number of abortion-rights supporters, including the Obama campaign as sources.

In reality, it’s wishful thinking, myth creation and advocacy, not journalism. It is an accepted truth in Presidential politics that Vice Presidential candidates do not win, or lose national campaigns. While 2008’s Palin-bashing is one example of Democrats trying to spin and hurt the GOP ticket, one should also consider the case of Dan Quayle.

Despite his having had an accomplished and capable career in the House prior to running for Vice President, the media destroyed his image during the campaign. It did nothing to impact the outcome. If Americans seriously voted for Vice President, one can only imagine how badly Barack Obama would have lost in 2008 with Biden along for the ride to assure old hand political insiders.

In reality, it is quite possible that Ryan will help Romney with women voters. They aren’t all eighteen years old, after all. Excerpt below via Fox News.

Ryan could bring senior, female votes to GOP ticket despite Dem narrative

Though Democrats are hammering Paul Ryan as the bringer of Medicare’s doom, the Republican vice presidential candidate is far more popular among seniors than he’s given credit for. Same goes for women. And independents.

Surveys conducted shortly before Mitt Romney’s VP roll-out show Ryan actually polls fairly well among all three of these groups. And while Democrats claim to be ecstatic at Romney’s choice — they say he’s an easy target, and they’ve already gone to town portraying him as “extreme” — the bookish lawmaker from Janesville, Wis., could end up bringing more votes to the ticket than he turns away.

A recent Rasmussen poll showed that 31 percent of likely senior voters gave Ryan a “very favorable” rating, compared with 21 percent of all legal-age voters giving him that rating. Just 16 percent of seniors gave him a “very unfavorable” rating.

Romney himself is pro-life and the policy differences between the two are marginal. The usual media suspects quoting the usual Democrat and Democrat-aligned sources to drum up media coverage relatively favorable to the re-election of Obama.

The American economy has suffered under Barack Obama because of his failed policies and government give-aways. Those are the issues most expect voters to consider most in November when they go to the polls, even if the media and Democrats wish it were otherwise.