Reports show the Department of Justice is working with left leaning Media Matters for America to spin Fast & Furious stories in their favor. Some emails show DOJ spokeswoman Tracy Schmaler contacting MMfA about a story, including a smear piece on Tea Party Nation founder Judson Phillips. MMfA is a tax exempt organization. Does this violate their tax-exempt status?

FOX News is covering this story, but FOX News is no stranger to MMfA’s antics. MMfA has been trying to shut down Fox News for years. CNN and MSNBC have not mentioned the DOJ/MMfA collaboration but it’s well known MSNBC uses MMfA talking points during all of their shows. MSNBC has an interest in keeping this story quiet.

The New York Times doesn’t mention anything and there’s nothing at The Washington Post. The Huffington Post is currently upset over Governor Romney’s 47% remark.

A Google search for “Media Matters” or “Operation Fast and Furious” gives 11 results. Rush Limbaugh,, American Center for Law and Justice, Examiner, National Review Online, and Red Alert Politics.

Once again the Old Media proves why they are irrelevant.