Obviously, my headline is not the headline the corrupt media will write, because no one would believe it.

Instead, the corrupt media writes this headline: Obama and Romney Tied In NC.

But what the corrupt media won’t tell you — the same corrupt media that never questions any good Obama news — is that in order to achieve that headline, you have to believe Obama will enjoy a 14 point turnout advantage in North Carolina:

Both Mitt Romney and President Obama are polling at 48 percent in North Carolina in a new Public Policy Polling poll. Partisan breakdown is 48 percent Democrat, 34 percent Republican, and 19 percent independent.

That huge 14-point Democratic advantage is surprising: In 2008, Democrats had an 11-point advantage over Republicans in North Carolina, while in 2004, Republicans had a 1-point advantage over Democrats.

And according to the Turnout Truthers in the mainstream media, we’re the crazy ones for questioning  improbable skews that always-always-always give only Barack Obama good news.


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