If you’re not a sports or basketball fan, I can understand not knowing NBA Hall-of-Famer Bill Russell when you see him. But how you confuse Morgan Freeman with anyone other than Morgan Freeman, one of the most recognizable faces in America, is beyond me:

<object id="HUY" name="HYETA" data="http://l3cdn.iqmediacorp.com.c.footprint.net/SWFs/iqmedia_player_resize_cdn_v1.1.swf" width="545" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height="340" setseekpoint="function () {return eval(instance.CallFunction("” + __flash__argumentsToXML(arguments,0) + “”));}” externalplay=”function () {return eval(instance.CallFunction(“” + __flash__argumentsToXML(arguments,0) + “”));}”>

Stephanopoulos should take a moment to be grateful for the fact he’s a left-winger on ABC News, and not someone working in talk radio or for Fox News.



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