Like we all  knew they would, congressional Republicans who questioned Hillary earlier this week completely blew it, as did the fawning media. But according to the Twitter-nets, both President Obama and outgoing Secretary of State Clinton will sit down this afternoon for a joint interview with Steve Kroft of “60 Minutes” that will air Sunday night. So maybe we’ll finally get all the answers. Maybe Kroft will finally pin them down.

Because, you know, maybe I’ve been all wrong about the media. Maybe the media’s complete unwillingness to do anything other than protect Obama from his weeks-long cover up and political fall-out over the incompetence that resulted in the death of four Americans in Libya was all a ploy, a way to lull him into complacency so that both he and Hillary would appear together on “60 Minutes,” and a fully prepared Steve Kroft could …. pounce.

Are you rubbing your hands together in anticipation?

Yeah, that’s it; that’s what’s going to happen. Kroft’s going to grab his colleague Sharyl Attkisson’s long list of unanswered questions and finally get to the bottom of a scandal with a body count:

Oh, but wait; this is the same Steve Kroft and “60 Minutes” that withheld interview footage of Obama where the president contradicted his weeks-long lie-the same Steve Kroft and “60 Minutes” that chose to release that video just a few days before the election as though it somehow proved Obama had been honest about Libya all along (how that worked is detailed here).

But-but-but maybe Kroft will look to redeem himself and pin Hillary down for lying under oath this week when she claimed, “I did not say . . . that it was about the video for Libya.” Or maybe Kroft will explain that it does “make a difference” when the White House lies to the American people.

And maybe…

Listen, we all know what’s going to happen Sunday night: Kroft’s going to put the cherry on top of Hillary’s awesomely awesome awesomosity as Secretary of State and nudge her this much closer to keeping the 2016 White House out of the hands of those freaskyscaryrapelovingracist Republican wingnut freaks.

Would it be too much to ask that Kroft release the full, unedited interview this time?





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