On Friday, the New York Times Television section highlighted tonight’s Sean Hannity one-hour special “Boomtown,” a program featuring Government Accountability Institute President and Co-founder Peter Schweizer and Breitbart News Executive Chairman and Government Accountability Co-founder Stephen K. Bannon.

9 P.M. (Fox News) BOOMTOWN: WASHINGTON, THE IMPERIAL CITY In this edition of “Hannity,” the host, Sean Hannity; Peter Schweizer, the president and co-founder of the Government Accountability Institute; and Stephen K. Bannon, the executive chairman of Breitbart News and co-founder of the Government Accountability Institute, investigate what they call crony capitalism among the city’s power elite and the tactics used by lobbyists, bureaucrats and legislators to finance their lifestyles with taxpayer money.

“Boomtown” will reportedly provide a bipartisan look at Washington’s wealth explosion and uncover how the culture of cronyism has created a life of luxury for insiders at taxpayer expense.

“The battle against cronyism is the new front in the war for economic freedom,” says Schweizer. “Big spending politicians have discovered a devastatingly effective way to sink their talons into the competition that fuels capitalism. Building wealth is wonderful, but wealth built on the backs of taxpayers is an affront to free markets.”

Bannon agrees. “It’s a bipartisan problem. But the Obama Administration has taken crony capitalism to a whole new level. Being pro-free markets is not the same thing as being pro big business. ‘Boomtown’ explains the difference.”

Three of Bannon’s past films–Generation ZeroDistrict of Corruption, and The Hope and The Change–have previously been the subject of highly rated one-hour Hannity specials.  

“Boomtown” airs tonight at 9:00 p.m. ET on Fox News.