According to Fishbowl DC, newly-installed CNN-chief Jeff Zucker has made or is contemplating a couple of smart moves. Apparently, John King has survived and just renewed his contract. That’s the good news. The great news is that the incorrigibly corrupt Candy Crowley might be headed for the door.

King’s a smart, informed guy who was a favorite of mine a few years ago. His reporting was straight-forward and surprisingly objective. Unfortunately, that didn’t last. Not long ago, King lost his objectivity, and not in a way that benefitted Republicans. My instincts told me, though, that this had more to do with the culture at CNN than anything else.

King’s show, “John King USA,” was struggling in the ratings while obnoxious tell-it-like-it-izzers like Don Lemon, Anderson Cooper, and Soledad O’Brien were getting all the heat. My hope is that King was just trying to fit in. He has actually seemed more like his old self since his show was cancelled.

As far as Candy Crowley goes, good riddance. She is always biased, but after that unforgivable and completely incorrect “fact check” that was so beneficial to Barack Obama during the second presidential debate, the woman has absolutely zero credibility.

She not only crossed the line as debate moderator; she got it wrong.


Fishbowl has more details about more moves.


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