It was announced today that Evan McMorris-Santoro, the national politics reporter for Talking Points Memo, will replace Zeke Miller as BuzzFeed’s White House reporter. News of Miller’s departure didn’t come as a surprise. It’s been rumored for some time. The early scuttle was that he was headed for Politico. Via Twitter, Miller today said he will take some time off before announcing his next move.

This is something of a blow to the fledgling BuzzFeed Politics, a site beloved by the elite media but considered pretty much of a joke outside that provincial bubble. Though far from perfect, Miller was the best BuzzFeed had, the one whose reporting was serious and who stayed away from the left-wing snark that has come to define the site courtesy of editor-in-chief Ben Smith, the famously thin-skinned Andrew Kaczynski, and the aren’t-I-precious McKay Coppins.

Though Smith and his merry band of BenSmithers have always been unnaturally interested in using unnamed sources to gossip about the inner-workings of Breitbart News, it’s unlikely the anti-gay outlet will hold themselves to their own standard and disclose the inner-drama that caused them to lose the only staffer who resembles anything close to an actual reporter.

What’s most amusing about Smith choosing a Talking Points Memo reporter is that Smith will still insist his site represents objective journalism.


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