Of course this story is all but ignored. It goes against The Narrative that says abortion is a sacrament and the only abortion doctors worthy of a news frenzy are those murdered by pro-life fanatics.

Not worthy of even a hundredth of that news coverage is the story of seven grisly murders allegedly committed by a doctor who made millions in a rundown facility in Philadelphia where he performed late-term abortions. According to the District Attorney, Dr. Kermit Gosnell murdered seven born-alive babies by “plunging scissors into their necks and snipping their spinal cords.”

ABC, CBS, and NBC’s morning and evening newscasts have yet to cover the trial of Dr. Kermit Gosnell, which began on Monday. Gosnell is charged with murdering seven babies who were born after viability in his rundown abortion facility. The Big Three also gave the story minimal coverage back in January 2011, after the Philadelphia physician was arrested. ABC completely ignored it, CBS Evening News aired one full story, and NBC gave just 50 words on Today.

Even the New York Times covered the trial in a Tuesday article, though it appeared on page A-17. Writer Jon Hurdle documented how Gosnell is charged with killing the babies by “plunging scissors into their necks and ‘snipping’ their spinal cords.”

You also won’t see much coverage of this story on the cable nets, newspapers, or online. The abortion-as-sacrament Narrative trumps all.

The alleged murder of seven babies for profit…?

Nah, no story there.

No other angles, either. You know, like government oversight and how these clinics might exploit the poor.


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