The media will tell you they are all about news, sensationalism, “if it bleeds it leads,” ratings, money, fulfilling demand, and clicks — but that is all a lie.

Over at Politico, the number-one “most searched” term is “kermit gosnell,” the abortion doctor currently on trial in Philadelphia for the murder of seven babies.  

That search yields zero matches.


The doctor’s last name, “gosnell,” is Politico’s third most searched term and also yields zero matches having to do with Kermit Gosnell.

Judging by the number of search inquiries, there is a demand for this story Politico is willfully choosing not to fill — and doing so for obvious political reasons. And it is not because Politico shies away from abortion issues.

A search for “Susan Komen,” yields 166 matches, but that is because Politico was part of the media lynch-mob that browbeat the private breast cancer charity into continuing their funding of Planned Parenthood.

A search for “Todd Akin” results in 865 matches, because Politico was part of the media lynch-mob that used a stupid abortion/rape comment made by a nobody Senate candidate to aid and abet Democrats during the 2012 elections.

The news blackout of this horrific abortion trial isn’t just occurring at Politico. This is a full-blown, coordinated blackout throughout the entire national media.

ADDED: There is a second abortion clinic horror story in Delaware the media are also ignoring.


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