The Daily Caller’s Matt Lewis, a widely respected conservative columnist and commentator, wrote a thoughtful column for The Week Friday making a common sense case for why the mainstream media needs to hire more Christians. Just for starters, 77% of the American public identify themselves as Christians.

Lewis threw no flames, called no one bigoted, and used quotes to make his case from nothing less than The New York Times.

But what has been the response from some in media, including Politico’s White House reporter Glenn Thrush and senior Atlantic editor Garance Franke-Ruta…?


And this from John Cook, the editor of Gawker, which Franke-Ruta retweeted:

No one, including these three, believe for a second that Matt Lewis is some sort of anti-Jewish bigot. Moreover, nothing in his piece even comes close to deserving this kind of pushback.

What you are seeing here is the left-wing tactic of screaming “bigot” when there is no good argument to rebut an excellent argument.

This is also what you get when you challenge Big Media — you get brutalized by the media’s enforcers for speaking truth to that power.

Moreover, had Lewis made the exact same case for hiring more Muslims, I would bet my house the response would have been silence or approval from these same three.

Which makes you wonder who the real bigots are.

Lewis has more here.



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