On Monday’s “The Five” on Fox News, Democrat Bob Beckel made a startling call for a moratorum on all student visas for Muslims.  

In the Muslim communities around the world, they do not like us, I think we really have to consider, given the fact that so many people hate us, that we’re going to have to cut off Muslim students coming to this country for some period of time so that we can absorb what we’ve got, and look at what we’ve got, and decide whether some of the people here should be sent back home or to prison.

If Bill O’Reilly or Sean Hannity had made such a suggestion on Fox News there’d be calls for their jobs. If Rush Limbaugh had said it, Media Matters would be intimidating his advertisers into dropping any association with him. 

Is Beckel getting a pass because he’s a liberal Democrat?

Usually the bullies at Media Matters for America employ their rapid response team to call out such views as “bigoted and intolerant,” but as of Tuesday morning, they’ve ignored it. 

As the debate over immigration continues in the Senate, it will be interesting to see if any other Democrats take on the Beckel proposal and shut down student visas for any foreign student who happens to be Muslim. 

Watch the segment here: