If you are looking for proof that left-wing, Obama-shilling outlets like BuzzFeed Politics put partisan agenda above objectivity, please take a look below at screen shots of BuzzFeed’s front page taken Tuesday morning at 10:10 am ET.

There is, though, an amazing story about how Sha Na Na’s Bowzer is a fan of Elizabeth Colbert-Busch.








Thirty-something stories on the BuzzFeed Politics’ front page and not a sound, word, or peep about Libya. Not a sound, word, or peep about the fact that three whistleblowers are scheduled to testify before Congress tomorrow with a number of damning allegations that could contradict the Narrative the White House spun in the weeks after the September 11 anniversary attack on our consulate in Libya. Not a sound, word, or peep about the blockbuster release about testimony already given.

Anyone who is at all familiar with Ben Smith and BuzzFeed Politics, though, should not be at all surprised by this. Last year, just after the successful terror attack that took four American lives, BuzzFeed was a leader in using Libya as a political weapon to bludgeon Mitt Romney with in order to take the focus off the White House’s fumbles and the weeks of lies that would follow.

It was all about pushing Obama over the re-election finish line.

And from the looks of the left-wing site today, the BenSmithing of Libya will continue.


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