Thursday morning on Chris Jansing’s MSNBC show, Politico Senior Reporter Lois Romano referred to Guantanamo Bay as a “really bad political tar baby” for President Obama:

JANSING: Lois, let me start with Guantanamo Bay. Everybody knows [Obama] made this campaign pledge the first time he ran. Again to the question ‘why now?’ —  was he pushed by the hundred prisoners who are on hunger strikes?

ROMANO: I think it just came to another boiling point right now. [Obama] ran on this in 2008, and if you recall, when he came into office, there was a lot of turmoil within the White House. His then-counsel, Greg Craig, was pushing to close Guantanamo; he set a date that they couldn’t meet, and it ended up being a really bad political tar baby for him.

Tar baby is considered a racially-coded, derogatory term, especially when used in reference to black Americans. Since the arrival of President Obama on the national scene, left-wing media outlets like Politico have relentlessly attacked conservatives as racist for merely using the word Chicago.

Politico itself has repeatedly attacked Republicans for doing what their own Lois Romano just did on a national cable news outlet — using the term “tar baby” in reference to Obama.

In April of 2012, in the heat of her Congressional re-election bid, the left-wing Politico attacked Michele Bachmann for using the term “tar baby” in an interview.

In January of 2012, in three news stories, Politico repeatedly hammered Republican Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-CO) for using the term “tar baby.”

In July of 2009, Politico criticized Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC) for using the term “tar baby.”

This isn’t the first time Politico’s Romano has used racially-coded language on MSNBC. In March, in the heat of the gun control debate, Romano attacked NRA spokesman Wayne LaPierre as a “tired old white guy.”


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