Because the media coordinates with one another, this corrupt institution is still very powerful when it comes to pushing its left-wing, big government agenda. Beneath the surface, though, the media is crumbling. One more log on the deathwatch fire is the news that the Chicago Sun-Times has laid off its entire photography staff in favor of freelancers:

About 20 full-times [sic] staffers received the news Thursday morning, according to sources familiar with the situation.

The newspaper released a statement suggesting the move reflected the increasing importance of video in news reporting[.]

Except the statement says nothing about hiring staff to buff up its video department.

The Sun-Times can spin this massacre all they want, but photography is absolutely crucial in news-gathering, especially if you expect to remain in print.

The bottom line is that by hiring freelancers, the Sun-Times no longer needs to pay 20 salaries and 20 benefit packages, and all the other expenses associated with taking on an employee.


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