Sharyl Attkisson appeared on “The O’Reilly Factor” Monday night and told Bill O’Reilly that she thinks she knows who hacked into her computer.

I think I know. But I’m just not prepared to go into that. We’re continuing our investigations. There are multifaceted looks at what to do next… Let me just say, whoever did it, to come into a private citizen’s home, whether I’m a journalist or not, and look in my family’s computer and look into my work computer… Well, it’s outrageous.

O’Reilly says to her, “This is big.”

Attksson responds matter-of-factly, “Yeah.”

Attkisson has been one of about, oh, two mainstream media reporters willing to take seriously and dig into the Obama administration’s wrongdoing. 

Transcript via Gateway Pundit, who has more


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