NBC reporter Kelly O’Donnell likes to pose as an objective reporter, but on Friday’s “Morning Joe” she exposed herself yet again by comparing what Texas Republican Governor Rick Perry said about Democratic State Senator Wendy Davis to Rush Limbaugh calling birth control activist Sandra Fluke a “slut” (something for which Limbaugh later apologized).

After nihilist Joe Scarborough ripped into Perry, he turned it over to objective journalist Kelly O’Donnell, who put her snark on with, “Well, apparently the governor missed that whole chapter between Rush Limbaugh and Sandra Fluke — who was the woman who testified on Capitol Hill and he went so personal in his comments about her and that backfired; she became even more empowered.”

Here is what objective journalist Kelly O’Donnell is comparing to calling a woman a “slut”:

This is how phony memes begin; this is how the media turns black into white and crafts their own reality in order to destroy the political right. The hard-left creates a phony narrative and then members of the mainstream media grab hold of those talking points and spread the lies in the most effective way they can: matter-of-factly.

So now it just a fact within the media that Perry’s complimentary anecdote about Wendy Davis was akin to calling her a “slut.”

This is Orwell 101.


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