Thursday evening, MSNBC’s Chris Hayes ripped into the GOP by summarizing a statement made by Republicans leaders as hating the “ass face” of Obama or Hispanics or Americans . It was hard to tell what Hayes was getting at, but he never bothered to read the actual GOP statement. Politico’s Dylan Byers ripped into Hayes, mocking the moment as “constructive dialogue” and reminding readers that Hayes’ weekend show was “a destination for smart, substantive conversation.”

Byers then mocked Hayes’ “tanking ratings,” and speculated that “perhaps Hayes was upset” over them.

Why  Byers then goes on to compare Hayes’ comment to Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly doesn’t make much sense, outside of a typical left-wing media attack against America’s top cable broadcaster. It was Hayes’ predecessor Ed Schultz who frequently went off like this, including calling conservative talk radio star Laura Ingraham a “slut.”

Schultz’s ratings were much better than the embarrassing numbers Hayes is pulling in, so it seems more logical to wonder if Hayes is hoping to win back the Schultz viewers that abandoned him.



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