NBC News’ Mark Murray, the senior political editor who did not voluntarily disclose his marriage to an Obama staffer, covered the president’s racially-divisive statements about the George Zimmerman affair at First Read Friday. In the piece Murray refers to then-presidential candidate Obama’s “famous 2008 speech on the subject of race.” For some reason, though, Murray doesn’t report on the full context of that speech.

Obama’s “famous” race speech was a purely political and defensive move to save an imploding campaign after it was discovered that the president’s mentor and pastor of 20 years, Jeremiah Wright, was an anti-America, racially-divisive demagogue.

After the public release of a number of videos of Wright’s sermons — including one where the fiery preacher called for God to “damn America,” and another where he preached that 911 was America’s “chickens” coming “home to roost” — the Obama campaign was in damage control mode.

The result of that was this “famous” race speech, which did exactly what it was intended to do: change the subject by wooing the media.


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