During his exchange with Andy Serwer at a Fortune magazine sponsored event, new CNN chief Jeff Zucker had an interesting perspective on his network’s coverage of the George Zimmerman trial: he thought that CNN did a perfect job covering the trial, to wit:

Well, I would say what’s interesting about that is there’s actually been no criticism of it since the verdict happened and everybody recognized all the layers to that story. Some of the criticism came beforehand. You know, again, I think that we did recognize early on that this was much more than just a local murder trial, that there were issues of race and class and the Second Amendment and self-defense. And there were a lot of layers to this story. And I think that we realized that, maybe before others did, and then some people wanted to criticize that. Then once the verdict comes down and it becomes an even bigger story and you have the President of the United States issuing a statement and then coming into the White House press briefing room and making an even larger statement, there’s actually been no criticism since the verdict came down, and that’s because I think people recognized, oh, maybe they were right. 

No criticism of CNN for its coverage? Really?