The Daily Beast’s Kevin Fallon poured over a thousand words into an article detailing Oprah Winfrey’s publicity tour for her new film, “The Butler.” Memory-holed from the piece, though, is Oprah’s attempt to pull a race hoax on America and the world with her now debunked tale of being discriminated against while attempting to purchase a $38,000 alligator purse in Zurich, Switzerland.

Early in her “Butler” publicity tour, Winfrey’s Zurich tale was looking as though it would be a major part of her publicity blitz. The billionaire media mogul related her story of racial oppression to both Entertainment Tonight and Larry King. The story, though, ended up blowing up in Oprah’s face when the accused shopgirl publicly blasted Oprah as a liar.

Eventually, Oprah would be forced to back off her phony claim.

Now it looks as though the media is going to pull an Orwell and simply pretend that, in order to aggrandize herself, one of the most powerful people in the world didn’t try to destroy the life of a lowly sales clerk with a phony charge of racism.


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