Al Jazeera America, which is financed by Qatar’s oil money, spent half as much time on climate change in its first couple hours of prograaming than all of its rival cable networks did in all of 2012.

Quartz pointed out the network may well be on its way to becoming the “climate change network” even though it is funded by petrodollars. 

As Breitbart News reported, Al Jazeera America’s Inside Story’s maiden show completely focused on climate change, with scientists urging lawmakers to take action and spend money on climate change issues now so cities like Boston will not have to undergo “managed retreat” programs to higher ground while cities like Miami are “written off.” 

Guest Klaus Jacob implored America to drastically reduce emissions from fossil fuels, which would discourage the domestic production of energy, giving oil-rich states like Qatar a greater market share on energy resources like oil.

The 24 minutes spent on climate change on Inside Story actually “exceeded the total air time that CNN’s ‘Erin Burnett OutFront’ and ‘Anderson Cooper 360′ and Fox News’ ‘The O’Reilly Factor’ and ‘Hannity’ gave to the topic over the past four-and-a-half months,” according to a report from Media Matters for America.