In a Thursday op-ed titled “Obama and Syria: Stumbling Toward Damascus,” Time magazine’s Joe Klein, a reliable Obama defender, eviscerates the president over “one of the more stunning and inexplicable displays of presidential incompetence that I’ve ever witnessed.” Klein, obviously, is writing about the president’s incredibly inept handling of the Syrian crisis.

Other than laughable Dead Ender Ezra Klein, Joe Klein (no relation, I assume) and his must-read  eleven paragraph brutalization points to a bigger problem for Obama than just his losing face with the world and the American people. What we are seeing throughout much of the mainstream media is doing something many of us never thought would happen: publicly expressing a loss of respect for Obama’s lauded intellect and competence.

The media have always been ready to criticize Obama, especially when he is not left-wing enough to suit them. Attacking his competence, however, is another thing. Once the public loses confidence in a president’s ability to lead, that president’s goose is cooked.  

Though some in media are still doing their best to carry Obama’s water, they are increasingly in the minority as the scales fall from their colleagues’ eyes.


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