Tuesday, in an effort to turn the political dialogue to gun control and manipulate the conversation, the left-wing Politico  falsely claimed in its lead article that “talk turns to gun control.” As if that wasn’t embarrassing enough, Wednesday morning’s co-lead at Politico tells readers that something that is “right with Obama” is that “his smile remains dazzling.”

No one will ever mistake Obama for warm and fuzzy. But when he tries even a bit, he can’t help being winning. His smile remains dazzling, even if he flashes it less often.

Politico, a publication that presents itself as an objective news outlet, then goes on to describe  Republicans as one of Obama’s “enemies” who hold “extreme views” and exist in a “right-wing echo chamber”:

Simply put, Obama’s positions on the issues are vastly more popular than the extreme views of his die-hard opponents in Congress and the right-wing echo chamber.

This is the kind of piece media critics point to as an example of how those in the so-called mainstream media think: a schoolgirl crush on Obama and his “dazzling smile” blinds them to his own extremist views on spending, energy, abortion, and gun control; meanwhile the media sees the right as scary extremists.

Championing Obama’s “dazzling smile,” though, is what the media is reduced to when the president enters month nine of the kind of stumbles that even a Politico can’t paper over.


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