In the puffiest of puffy puff pieces, Politico published a profile of controversial actor Alec Baldwin without making a single mention of the fact that he is controversial. If you weren’t aware of, among other things, Baldwin’s very recent homophobic threats against a journalist, you’d think he was just a sweet actor who doesn’t like earpieces and whose career has hit a point where he’s working for a low-rated cable news network.

The sordid relationship between the left-wing Politico and the even more left-wing MSNBC is well-known and documented. But as the Washington Post’s Erik Wemple’s reporting has pointed out, the conflicts of interest are legion.

The real problem with Politico is that the outlet is so disreputable, you can’t really discern if the covering up for the volatile, bullying Baldwin is an act of left-wing bias for a fellow leftist, or merely doing a solid for their patrons at MSNBC.   

For heaven’s sake, even MSNBC is being more transparent than Politico. Their ads promoting Baldwin’s show at least touched on his childish, entitled, anti-gay temper.


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