Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large and Government Accountability Institute President Peter Schweizer will appear on Fox News’s Hannity on Tuesday night at 10PM EDT to discuss more revelations from his blockbuster new book. 

In Extortion: How Politicians Extract Your Money, Buy Votes, and Line Their Own Pockets, Schweizer details how lawmakers in Washington’s permanent political class extract campaign contributions from donors to subsidize their lavish lifestyles. Some of Schweizer’s research about these “slush funds” was revealed in a 60 Minutes exposé on Sunday.

In the book, Schweizer argues that though outsiders still try to game and influence Washington’s politicians, lawmakers in Washington and those in the Obama administration try to extract wealth and donations from industries and individuals who may have no desire to willfully donate. Schweizer presents evidence in the book that implicates those in President Barack Obama’s campaign and Justice Department for using such heavy-handed tactics to solicit contributions.

Extortion, which is putting Washington on “red alert,” is available in bookstores and at online retailers today from Houghton Mifflin. It has already rocketed up to #75 on Amazon’s list of top-selling books and is the top-selling book in the “Politics and Social Sciences” section.