In a nauseating display of mean-spirited ignorance, MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry and her panel of five ridiculed Mitt Romney’s black grandchild as something “that’s not like the others.” The MSNBC segment was a look back at 2013, and for some reason a Romney family photo that shows former Massachusetts governor with a grandchild on each knee was cherry-picked for mockery.

The only apparent reason for the ridicule was purely based on the race of Kieran Romney, the governor’s adopted grandchild who happens to be black.

You can hear panelist Pia Glenn singing the lyrics to the “Sesame Street” song, “One of these things doesn’t belong here.” After finishing the ditty, Glenn says, “And that little baby, front and center, would be the one.”

Dean Obeidallah then attacks the child as token, “”I think this picture is great. It really sums up the diversity of the Republican party, the RNC. At the convention, they find the one black person.”

Throughout, Harris-Perry chuckles along approvingly.

Frequently I write about how provincial and narrow-minded America’s cultural and media elites are. Over and over, they prove themselves to be shockingly ignorant of the world outside their bubbled universities and cloistered social and professional lives — all of which are obsessed with race. Out here in the real world, though, a mixed-race family is not a freak show or occurrence.

I’m in a mixed-race marriage and it not only never comes up (and I live in the South), I don’t even think about it until the elite media’s mean-girl leftists act as though such a thing is bizarre.  

With just two days left in the year, MSNBC apparently decided that Martin Bashir calling for someone to defecate in Sarah Palin’s mouth and Toure labeling CNN’s Don Lemon (a black man) as a “white leader” just weren’t low enough.

Nothing is lower than publicly humiliating a child, though.

So, uhm, well done, MSNBC.

Harris-Perry has been a public laughingstock for some time now. Back in July, she claimed that life begins when the parents say it does. Just last month she went off on a bizarre and factually incorrect racial rant with the claim that “wealthy white men” created the racist term “ObamaCare.”

P.S. The Duck Dynasty family has an adopted black child. Maybe this is why the media hate them so much.


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