Fox News host Eric Bolling called on Rep. Peter King (R-NY) to apologize to Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) for disparaging remarks King made about Paul while criticizing the senator’s forthcoming class action lawsuit against President Barack Obama’s National Security Agency (NSA).

“Last week Senator Rand Paul, a good friend of this program, announced he was suing President Obama over his NSA policies,” Bolling said Saturday on his Cashin’ In program on Fox News. “That prompted Representative Peter King to say [disparaging remarks about Paul].”

Specifically, as Breitbart News reported, King said: 

Rand Paul does not know what he’s talking about. And Rand Paul is really spreading fear among the American people. And he was also, I understand, on the show comparing general Clapper to Snowden? I mean, to me, he’s either totally uninformed or he’s part of that hate America crowd I thought left us in the 1960s. In any event he doesn’t deserve to be in the United States Senate for spreading that type of misperception and absolute lies, to be honest with you.

King also alleged that Paul is being frivolous about Americans’ lives. “It infuriates me that people like Rand Paul are putting American lives at risk,” King said. 

If we listen to Rand Paul and follow his policies, Americans could die, because the NSA has stopped attacks on the United States, right here in New York. The Zazi-attempted subway attack in 2009 with liquid explosives was stopped primarily by the NSA. If Rand Paul had been around and we’d listened to him, hundreds of New Yorkers would be dead today; that would be on his conscience. Or maybe it wouldn’t be, maybe it wouldn’t bother him; I don’t know. He has to realize there is an impact to what he says, and if we follow his policies it’s going to lead to the death of Americans.

Bolling said on his Saturday show that he invited King on to discuss these comments, but King refused. Bolling called on King to apologize to Paul and extended an open invite for him to appear on the show to discuss this matter any time in the future. Bolling also said he will be sending King a copy of the Constitution.

“We tried to get Representative King on Cashin’ In to talk about the outrageous remarks,” Bolling said. 

All week, he dodged us and made excuses. We think Mr. King owes Senator Rand Paul an apology. Representative King, we extend an open invite to you to join us at your convenience. In the meantime, I’m giving you a homework assignment. I’m sending a copy of the Constitution and I’ll underline the Fourth Amendment, like Cliff Notes for Dummies. By the way, you swore to uphold this so many years ago.