While gearing up to push the income inequality narrative Obama so desperately needs (and 99% of Americans don’t care about), MSNBC put its money where its mouth is by handing Ronan Farrow his own television show. Therefore, never let it be said that a wealthy white male born into The Top 1% of Hollywood Royalty can’t succeed in America. Also ascending into the hole left by Martin Bashir being shown the door and Thomas Roberts’ move to pre-dawn is Joy Reid. Here’s the new schedule:

Of note is that the new schedule creates two blocks of two different styles of programming. Starting with Chuck Todd at 9 am and ending with Andrea Mitchell at 2 pm, MSNBC has scheduled its information-driven shows that are formatted more like a newscast. After 2pm it’s the visual talk radio formatting that is almost exclusively driven by host opinion. 

After the announcement was made official, Farrow fired off a Tweet to let us all know where his precious head is at:

I have little doubt that while earning millions at his new MSNBC gig, Ronan Farrow will push hard to remedy this injustice with everyone’s money but his own and his family’s.


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