We all know that “everything is bigger in Texas,” so it is only fitting that Breitbart News Network is adding Texas to its Big sites. 

On Breitbart News Sunday, airing on Sirius XM Radio channel 125, Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon announced the addition of Breitbart Texas. A caller named Dan from Austin phoned the program and perfectly illustrated why Breitbart Texas is so dearly needed to help preserve Texas as a red state.

In a passionate and humble voice, Dan simply stated to Mr. Bannon, “We need help here. We are just rank and file people … and me and my brother try to do as much as we can.” He added, “We try to use our Twitter to spread the news about Texas and spread the news about Wendy Davis and all that … but I am so glad you guys are coming in … because we need the help.” 

A noticeably moved Bannon said, “Let me tell you, Dan, it’s helping guys like you and the people you work with … and the little guy–the tea-party person, the libertarian, the grassroots, the voices not heard–[that] was always Andrew’s vision.”

Bannon added that now with people like Brandon Darby and Lee Stranahan, Breitbart has the professional team to help broadcast their message in Texas in a more effective and systematic way. “For exactly what you just said is the entire reason why we are doing this,” Bannon told the caller.

Breitbart’s Brandon Darby will lead Breitbart Texas with a team of contributors who will cover immigration, crony capitalism, education, business, and the impact the Tea Party is having in Texas politics. The Breitbart Texas vertical promises to “deliver hard-hitting, independent-minded news and information that serves the character of the Lone Star State, carrying on the Texas tradition of standing its ground for liberty, freedom, and the rule of law.” 

Darby stated, “Breitbart Texas exists to arm Texans and other Americans with the information they need to stand up against the institutional Left, their media, government corruption, and cronyism between business and big government.” Darby added, “We will bring a voice to grassroots Texans and encourage them to stand taller, carrying on Andrew’s mission of defending average Americans who stand up for liberty.” 

Assisting Darby will be Breitbart Texas contributor Lee Stranahan, an experienced investigative reporter and filmmaker who focuses on the institutional left and corruption in the state of Texas. On Sunday, Stranahan pointed out to Bannon that “there’s about four to five thousand people per day who are moving to Texas … and Texas is a real oasis of freedom in the country.” He continued by saying, “We have no state income tax, great home schooling laws, great gun laws, and a real sense of freedom and independence.”

However, Stranahan told Bannon that the institutional left is moving into Texas and making inroads. “It’s 100% real,” Lee insisted, that the left is sending their heavyweights in to influence, organize, and galvanize Democrats to help transform Texas into a blue state.

Stranahan described a company called 270 Strategies (270 is the number of electoral votes needed to win the presidency). Led by Mitch Stewart and Jeremy Bird, 270 Strategies has the machinery in place and “are not only working on turning Texas blue, but they are also the advance team for Hillary Clinton. This is the group that is working right now to get Hillary ready for her 2016 campaign. They have a team of smart, young, sophisticated progressives that know what they are doing,” he explained. “And they are serious. They know if they can turn Texas blue, they could lock out Republican presidential aspirations for the foreseeable century.”

Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow reinforced Lee’s statements: “Andrew Breitbart taught us how to ‘punch back’ and that’s exactly what we plan to do to the institutional left’s well-funded and organized effort to ‘turn Texas blue.'”