Ezra Klein’s latest online news venture, Vox.com, advertises itself as the place to go if you want the news explained to you. What we are already discovering, though, is that Vox is just a nicer-looking version of Media Matters: a place where leftists pretending to be wonks use cherry-picked data to explain why leftists are objectively 100% correct about everything.

In other words, Vox is just another left-wing propaganda machine built to give our objective, unbiased, not-at-all-liberal media the skewed left-wing data and talking points they so desire.

But if Vox were to be true to its mission, when it came to explaining why our unbiased, objective, not-at-all-liberal media is and will continue to do everything in its power to ensure the American people never learn the truth about Benghazi, it would read something like this…

The more effective pushback [against the Benghazi Select Committee] will come from Big Media. Network leaders, producers and newspaper editors did not go after the story when the first serious questions began to bubble up. Afterward they dismissed the questions as old news. Now they are defensive and resentful. They are not going to help Republican investigators do the job they themselves should have done. (If they’d done it there might be no need for another investigation, because people might feel satisfied they know the essential facts.) Any proof of a Democratic coverup will have the appearance of indicting the media, too.

That’s Peggy Noonan in the Wall Street Journal. She might not be explaining the news, but she is perfectly explaining the news media.

Let’s not forget that the media became complicit and part of the Benghazi cover-up within hours of the fatal attack. Just eight weeks out from what was looking like a close election, the media immediately circled the wagons to protect the president.

Just days before, at his nominating convention, Obama had assured America that he had all but defeated al Qaeda. Then… Four Americans died at the hands of an al Qaeda franchise in a consulate compound that was pretty much left undefended, despite repeated requests for additional security and the red-circled anniversary of September 11.

To protect Obama, the media turned its fire on Romney (for a full nine days) because he dared criticize a decision the administration made to apologize for free speech in another Middle Eastern country. The goal was to take voters’ eyes off of Obama’s incompetence and dishonesty.

The media only dug itself in deeper a few days later when it became obvious the White House had lied about a video being the reason for the Benghazi attack. Even “60 Minutes” joined the cover-up. It was all about the media coordinating to push Obama over the re-election finish line.

Now the media are in a deep dark hole and as desperate to protect themselves as they are Obama and Hillary. The fabricated two-year myth that pretends Benghazi and the ensuing White House cover-up are all part of a partisan nothingburger must survive. So much is at stake for the media: their need to lie to themselves, the hope of another Clinton presidency, and the legacy of Obama, whom they assured us was up for the job.

The media today are like a trapped animal and therefore a very dangerous one. The House Select Committee has a desperate, bitter, and venomous foe to deal with… and the Democrats.

Read Noonan’s full column. She also points out quite accurately what Republican lawmakers have so far done terribly wrong and what they must to do right if they are to thwart the media and get to the truth.

ADDED: My thanks to a commenter for this video of Trey Gowdy challenging the media to answer the unanswered questions about Benghazi. The media can’t answer these questions and don’t want them answered:

Why doesn’t the mainstream media want these questions answered? 

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