CNN’s Carol Costello, America’s worst morning anchor since Soledad O’Brien disappeared into the money-hole of Al Jazeera America, is at it again. After telling her viewers last week that Climate Change is real because it’s in the Bible (no, really), yesterday the far-left anchor told her viewers that First Lady Michelle Obama signs bills into law, specifically the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act.

COSTELLO: That was Mrs. Obama back in 2010 when she signed the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act into law. Well now some members of Congress and the food industry want to roll back that initiative and loosen requirements to cut costs. Today the First Lady takes the unusual step of delivering White House remarks speaking out against that House measure and in another twist, a one-time ally of Mrs. Obama’s initiative is now a critic.

Costello has been a longtime embarrassment for the one-time Most Trusted Name In News. She’s attacked Billy Graham, constantly obsessing over left-wing identity politics, ridiculously biased, and just not very bright. Her inability to grasp even the basic concepts of Christianity is breathtaking and yet constantly on display.

A few weeks ago, even after she played a clip of the Benham brothers (the twins ousted by HGTV for being Christian) accurately and compassionately explaining the difference between loving the sinner and hating the sin, Costello thought that her quoting Jesus with “Love thy neighbor” somehow contradicted the Benham’s position on homosexuality.

But that is the beauty of being a left-winger; as long as you are pushing The Agenda, you are never held accountable for your ignorance or dishonesty.


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