Former Secretary of State and almost-certain 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton not only demanded $275,000 to speak at the University of Buffalo, her nine-page contract is filled with the kinds of demands that Pop Divas like Madonna are regularly mocked for.

According to documents obtained by the Washington Post, on top of that mammoth speaking fee, Clinton’s contract demands…

…the university provide “a presidential glass panel teleprompter and a qualified operator,” that Clinton’s office have “final approval” of her introducer and the moderator of any question-and-answer session, as well as “the sets, backdrops, banners, scenery, logos, settings, etc,” and that the topic and length of the former secretary of state’s speech would be at her “sole discretion.”

Nothing about bathing in Evian water or a bowl of M&M’s with the green ones removed, but there is this:

The contract also required that the university pay a fee of $1,000 to have a stenographer transcribe Clinton’s speech, but that the transcript be “solely for [Clinton’s] records,” and that the university was not permitted to tape the speech.

Clinton has attempted to tamp down the uproar over her greedy  cash grab from a number of public universities with the claim that she donated all of her speaking fees to charity — the charity of course being the Clinton Foundation. That likely means she is able to keep the money close and still write it off as a charitable tax deduction.

The rich get richer.

Two important points to keep in mind… First, the media is going through the paces of somewhat vetting Hillary two years before the presidential election so that in 2016 they can dismiss Clinton scandals as old news and concentrate on clubbing the “sexist” Republican nominee to death like a baby seal.

Secondly, although Clinton’s 9 page diva contract is satiric gold, don’t look for Jon Stewart, “Saturday Night Live” or any of America’s other media-approved comedians to mine it. 

Just as we have seen with Obama the last 6 years, the Celebrity Groupthink Rules are that any comedy that could potentially undermine the image of a Democrat is verboten.  


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