Does the Daily Beast want someone to shoot Senator Rand Paul (R-KY)?

Is the Daily Beast calling for the assassination of Rand Paul?

Is the Daily Beast hoping Rand Paul is terrorized by death threats?

Back in 2011, a mere three years ago, the Daily Beast linked the imagery of targets over the faces of politicians to the terrible shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and the death threats leveled at a number of other Democrats.

The evildoer in 2011 was, who else, Sarah Palin, who put crosshairs on a campaign map (a standard practice by all sides).

Here’s the title and opening of the Daily Beast article:

Palin’s Other Arizona ‘Targets’

Like Gabrielle Giffords, Harry Mitchell and Ann Kirkpatrick were under siege during the health-care debate and appeared on Sarah Palin’s “crosshairs” map. They tell Shushannah Walshe about death threats–and the need to cancel town-hall events.

That’s what the Daily Beast told us Palin’s crosshairs had wrought.  

Obviously the Daily Beast believes this kind of imagery can result in death threats and even assassination attempts. Why then would an outlet that believes such a thing publish (see above) a photo of Rand Paul with a target over his face with the title: Rand Paul = Democrats’ Enemy #1.

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