The Chicago Sun-Times reports that 9-year-old Antonio Smith was upset after his mother told him he couldn’t have a cupcake.

He ran out of his family’s Chicago apartment and was murdered – shot multiple times.

No one yet knows who murdered him or why.

The national media might give this a mention here and there — you know, get on record, check the box — but the national media are too busy hoping their rabid speculation and divisive race-baiting in Ferguson, Missouri, will eventually pay off.

Antonio was 9.

Still, the national media and America’s civil rights racial grifters won’t give a damn because there is no political upside in giving a damn — not in Chicago. Not in a city that on paper should be a Gun-Free Utopia after decades of purely Democrat rule. 

No one in the national media has the courage to investigate root causes anywhere leftwing policies have been in place unabated for nearly a half-century. 

Sorry, Antonio, if you’re black and there’s no political upside for them, you just don’t matter to the media or the Civil Rights mob.

Even if you were only nine years-old.

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