Hoping its slavish elite media readers will just read the headline, snicker, and move on, Media Matters hurled this dishonest headline at Elisabeth Hasselbeck and Fox News Tuesday: A Fox Host Finally Connected The NFL Domestic Violence Controversy To Benghazi.

Naturally, the Huffington Post was quick to pile on with, Elisabeth Hasselbeck Manages To Connect NFL Domestic Violence Scandal To…Benghazi.

You can just hear the elite media types who count on Media Matters for confirmation bias snickering, “Har-har-har, those obsessed, womyn-hating idiots at Fox. Har-har-har.”

Except Hasselbeck didn’t “connect” Benghazi to the NFL.  

Not even close.

How does this tweet in any way add up to “connecting” the NFL domestic abuse scandal to Benghazi?

Asking why the mainstream media is obsessed with digging into every nook and cranny of the NFL while being ethically and morally derelict in its duty to treat the federal government — specifically Benghazi and the IRS — with even a tenth of that energy and skepticism, is not “connecting” the scandals.

Let me give you some examples…

If a media outlet were to, say, wonder why Fox News doesn’t cover the minimum wage debate with the same intensity as Benghazi, would that media outlet be guilty of “connecting” Benghazi to the minimum wage? According to Media Matters it would and oh wait.  

Let’s try again….

If a media outlet were to, say, wonder why Fox News doesn’t cover Hurricane Sandy with the same intensity as Benghazi, would that media outlet be guilty of “connecting” Benghazi to Hurricane Sandy? According to the Huffington Post it would and oh wait.

Wondering aloud why the media is obsessed with this thing while ignoring that other thing is something we all do.

Even Media Matters.

And I’d love to read the spittle-flecked response were Hasselbeck to use the Fox and Friends airwaves to accuse the tax-exempt, Soros-funded, union-busting Media Matters of “finally connecting Benghazi to the minimum wage.”  

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