A Pew Research poll finds that the mainstream media and Democrats failed miserably in their coordinated attacks against the Bush Administration (and America) over Bush-era enhanced interrogation methods employed by the CIA against 3 terrorists to stop future terror attacks (and hunt down 9/11 mastermind Osama bin Laden).

Only 29% said the methods in question were unjustified. A majority of 51% consider them justified. A clear majority refused to buy into the media’s lies about these methods not working. A full 56% believe correctly that the intelligence gathered stopped future terror attacks. Only 28% disagreed.

Worse news for the media is that only 42% believe that the decision to release the flawed and dishonest Senate report (that started all of this) was the right one. A plurality of 43% believe the decision was wrong.

Only 46% of Democrats called the methods unjustified, while 37% said they were.

In the wake of the coordinated, media-wide Trayvon Martin and Ferguson race hoaxes, combined with the University of Virginia rape hoax, these poll numbers may in some way reflect a public that has simply stopped believing anything and everything that emanates from an institution rotting away due to unceasing corruption.

At least 84 schoolchildren were massacred by Islamic extremists Monday. If harmless but uncomfortable waterboarding had prevented the massacre of those 84 schoolchildren, the media and left would argue that was wrong. 

Tell America again whose values are upside down. 


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