This Reuters headline makes it sound as though there is good news for the left-wing CNN: “CNN’s Original Series Help Network Draw Younger Primetime Audience In 2014.” The truth, however, as is the usually the case when the left-wing media protects one of its own, can be found in the last paragraph:

In an overall down cycle for cable news, CNN’s overall primetime audience for the year is trending at an all-time low, while Fox News is drawing its smallest total-demo audience in 13 years and MSNBC is at its lowest primetime demo delivery in eight years.

“All-time low.”

Moreover, it is non-news programming that is the cable news network’s only barely-bright spot:

Key to the declining median age in primetime for CNN has been its increased emphasis on original series, including “This is Life with Lisa Ling,” Mike Rowe’s “Somebody’s Gotta Do It” (pictured), “The Hunt with John Walsh” and “Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown.”

This will hopefully put more pressure on CNN to continue to move further and further away from its news programming. There are already rumors that CNN is looking to add game shows to its programming.

Under Jeff Zucker, CNN’s news programming has been an embarrassment in too many ways to count. It’s also been dangerous. CNN’s behavior in Ferguson, Missouri, undoubtedly helped to stoke the racial tensions that led to the mob violence that tormented that small, working class, predominantly black city for months.

CNN was the tip of the spear in spreading the “Gentle Giant” and “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” lies that poured gasoline all over the lives of innocent Ferguson shopkeepers and citizens.

Less news programming on CNN is a win-win. The network’s ratings will increase and the American people will be safer from the Bond villain that runs the network.


John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC